Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Who let the dogs out?

Last night was pub poker night. I normally leave work, run home, then go straight to the bar to eat dinner and then play. This time I surprised the family by stopping off at the SwimKids, where my kids are taking a tumbling class. I met up with the wife and kids, and we went to Red Robin to eat before I headed out to play poker.

While we were waiting for the food to arrive, the kids were doing their normal playing and singing. Suddenly, out of the blue, my son starts to sing 'Who let the dogs out? Woof Woof Woof!"

I have no idea where he has ever heard this song before. Apparently its actually a popular kids song now. How funny. He learned it at school and is singing it. Weird.

Then it was off to pub poker. I think I played fine last night. I just never caught anything, and twice when I did, I was rivered for a massive pot loss. Such is life.

I want to highlight one of these cases to see what people thing. My play was probably controversial here, so I wanted to know what others thought.

I am late position with K-10 offsuit. Blinds are 50-100. I have an ok stack (about 3k).

Players I have no read on limps in from middle position. I call, guy to my left, who has been hitting hands all night, calls. Small blind folds. Big blind checks.

Flop is K 7 10 rainbow. Top two pair seems good to me. Big blind checks. Small blind bets out 300. I want overcalls here, so I think I can slow play it and I just call. Hand catcher calls, big blind folds.

Turn is a 6. No flush possible. First guy checks. I think the guy after me is going to bet (he hasn't checked around all night that I remember), so I check to let him do my betting for me. He bets 500. The first guy calls. I call.

River is a J. First guy checks. I check to the better, who obligingly fires out 1000. First guy folds. I raise 1000, leaving me with about 700 left. He has me outstacked by a lot. He calls.

He flips over AQ for the nut straight. Why he didn't raise me all in for my last 700 is beyond me, but honestly, how we played the whole thing is beyond me. He called and bet drawing to an inside straight, and hit it.

The question, though, is did I let him do it? I'm trying to decide if my slow play was good or bad. I think it was good the more I think about it. The fact that he hit his four outer sucks, but I had put him on KX, so I think I was right in letting him bet out for me. Both players were aggressive enough that the betting would keep going, and I got to hide the strength of my hand.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Raise the turn. This is a dangerous draw heavy board. With 2200 chips left and a 500 bet then call in front of you push and take down the pot. Otherwise just letting hands like JQ, AQ, 7x, 8x see a cheap river.

9:25 AM  

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