Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


So, my brother in law lent me Constantine, and I finally got around to watching it last night. All i have to say is "I want my two hours back."

This is hands down the worst comic to movie adaptation I have ever seen in my life. Allow me several moments of rant on this one.

1) Worst casting ever? Keanu is not, nor will ever be Constantine. He's not even close, and can't even act like Constantine. Chaz, while a fun character for the movie, is not close to the comic Chaz except a little bit in his opening scene. Midnite was the only good casting in the whole movie where they stayed close to character.

2) Los Angeles? WTF? Did anyone even read the comic first? Constantine lives in London. They could pawn it off as him visiting there, but, uh, he has a place to live, and Chaz is there. Chaz's wife would not let him live in LA for a while, and even if she did, he woudl not magically have his cab in LA.

3) The lung cancer story was totally mutilated fromt he comic book version.

4) It wasn't even scary. I knew it would be bad with the casting what it was, so I determined to at leats try to enjoy it as a horror movie. But it wasn't scary. Not at all.

I rate this movie a 1 out of 10. And it only gets a one because it had cool special effects.

On to Poker, for the next few days I'll do a hand a day. Yesterday's hand was played ok in my opinion, but I had a concern about missing bets which it seems Full Contact Poker universally agreed with.

This hand... has no redeeming qualities, and if I had to topic my post based on the hand, I'd title it "Donkey Anonymous"

Comments in bold as always:

***** Hand History for Game 13330752 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - Sun Oct 9 02:50:10 GMT 2005
Table Shiner (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: homebrew ($1.60)
Seat 3: Kinbaku ($2.91)
Seat 4: Ray_Powers ($12.32)
Seat 5: biltmore ($4.40)
Seat 6: thebandit1 ($8.08)
Seat 7: glenndo ($1.90)
Seat 8: LUCASSY ($3.85)
Seat 10: S1LLYRABB1T ($3.55)
Kinbaku : Small Blind ($0.05)
Ray_Powers : Big Blind ($0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ 7c 5c ]
--- Now that's a big blind special if I ever saw one. :(
biltmore : Call ($0.10)
thebandit1 : Fold
glenndo : Call ($0.10)
LUCASSY : Raise ($0.20)
S1LLYRABB1T : Call ($0.20)
homebrew : Fold
Kinbaku : Fold
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- Rage of the donkey, the beginning. My reasoning at the time was that I was putting 1 small bet into a 7 small bet pot, which is good odds for the flush draw and one gap straight draw. Maybe not the best logic, but possible. The real answer of course is that I am likely dominated, and quite possible smashed even if I did make the flush due to flush over cards.
biltmore : Call ($0.10)
glenndo : Call ($0.10)
--- Espexially when there were TWO more callers.
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4h 8c 8h ]
Ray_Powers : Check
--- Like what am I gonna do? bet here?
biltmore : Check
glenndo : Check
LUCASSY : Bet ($0.10)
S1LLYRABB1T : Call ($0.10)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- Maybe not, but I am gonna call! My thought process was that the betting could easily be done by two overcards, and my gutshot straight draw and backdoor flush draw still had possibilities. Why my brain did not think Pocket pair is beyond me.
biltmore : Call ($0.10)
glenndo : Call ($0.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7d ]
--- And now my 7 paired! My flush draw is gone tho, so I don't feel too confident in this hand. If I was going to be a raging donkey, I should have at least bet this out to see where I stood.
Ray_Powers : Check
biltmore : Check
glenndo : Check
LUCASSY : Bet ($0.20)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
--- But no, instead i will be a raging.... calling station.
biltmore : Call ($0.20)
glenndo : Call ($0.20)
** Dealing River ** : [ 9c ]
--- Yes, I still have... a pair of sevens. My only redeeming hope here is that everyone had overs.
Ray_Powers : Check
biltmore : Check
glenndo : Check
LUCASSY : Bet ($0.20)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
--- So I shall continue to be a raging... calling station.
biltmore : Call ($0.20)
glenndo : Fold
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.85 | Rake: $0.10
Board: [ 4h 8c 8h 7d 9c ]
homebrew didn't bet
Kinbaku lost $0.05
Ray_Powers lost $0.70 [ 7c 5c ] [ two pairs, eights and sevens -- 8h
8c 7d 7c 9c ]
biltmore lost $0.70 [ 9h Jh ] [ two pairs, nines and eights -- 9h 9c
8h 8c Jh ]
thebandit1 didn't bet
glenndo lost $0.50
LUCASSY bet $0.70, collected $2.85, net +$2.15 [ 7h 7s ] [ a full
house, sevens full of eights -- 7s 7h 7d 8h 8c ]
S1LLYRABB1T lost $0.30
LUCASSY wins $2.85 from the main pot with a full house, sevens full of

I honestly have no excuse for this hand.


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