Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Poker, Flowers, and WoW

I feel very Poker rutted lately, so I posted a big rant on Full Contact about my poker woes, and got some good advice. I am going to cut back on poker for a couple weeks, doing only the Pub Poker nights, and no more online play for a while. I just need a break from it.

Instead, I'm playing more world of warcraft, I am leveling with the wife, and playing some more on my won, mainly trying to make some auction house work go so we have plenty of money. In addition, I am going to have to level my level 38 guy to level 40 so I can get the top levels of tailoring and enchanting for my other characters. My "main" right now though is still the level 23 I play with my wife. Yeah I know, level 23 is nothing, but I am putting a lot of effort into this guy. At 23 he is already maxed on Fishing and Cooking, and I'm trying to max out his engineering. Its tough at this level.

So tonight is supposed to be a date night, but the wife and I had a fight this morning, so who knows. So, here's a weird thing. When I have a fight with the wife, or when things are not going well in our relation ship, I often am tempted to buy her flowers. Much more often than when things are going well. It's not to apologize either, because, while it sounds macho and braggart, I am right in our arguments much more than average. If I had to guess a percentage, it is likely in the 90% + range. So I rarely have anything to apologize about.

So why do I want to buy her flowers? Its a reminder for me that regardless of all the bullshit fights we have, I still love her, and I still want her to be happy, even when she is driving me absolutely fucking crazy right this instant, the long term thought in the back of my head is that I love her, and buying her flowers reminds me of that. If they remind her of that as well, all the better.

Have a good day all.


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