Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Second Job

So, my secondary job is event management. I run tournaments for game companies mostly, and this weekend is one of the larger one's out there, called a prerelease. I am responsible for a 350 person event in Phoenix and a 350 person event in San Diego simultaneously. I need to arrange product, staffing, sites, and all the other fun stuff that goes along with event management.

The way this event works is that each player pays an entry fee and gets a set amount of cards for this game that they then use to build a deck they use to play against their opponents. The cards they get come in two forms, tournament packs and booster packs. In addition, for playing in this event, they get a special prerelease card. So, when I get the product in, I normally set aside a night to do "baggying." This is the process of building little bags of what each person should get when they sign up: one prerelease card, one tournament pack, and two booster packs. Making these bags in advance makes it much easier to get an event running when it is time.

Yeah, that's what the wife and I did last night. I invited some friends to come help, but everyone bailed on me. The wife was pissed about this, but me, not so much. I mean, first of all its is pretty annoyingly boring work and its for free, not to mention the fact that I gave them zero days advance notice, so I can't really blame them. While I am sure that some of it is the inherent laziness of my friends, its not something I think I can hold against them. Heck, *I* didn't want to do the job.

No poker last night and no cute kids stories. I'll try to work on that more tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"baggying" is tedious but it's a great socializing event. Your friends are just lazy and you know it. :P

9:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm not lazy...i just got zero hours the night before only to work a 10-hour work day. any more work and you'd all be going to my funeral instead of a pre-release ;)

10:32 AM  

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