Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Lots of little things

I got to see my son's first T-Ball game on Saturday. It's pretty funny watching a bunch of 3-5 year olds run around, not really understanding what they are doing. My son caught one ball and threw it to first, and got a couple of good hits, so no complaints. He is having fun, but doesn't have the patience for a whole game yet. I think that will come.

I also got and read Freakonomics over the weekend. I highly recommend it. Its got some great (and surprising) information inside of it, and is highly entertaining. It has a weird feel of Fight Club to it while at the same time being dry, data full, and well, non-fiction. But it gives you a distinct feeling of "the world does not work how you think it does."

I had very little poker this weekend. I was in one multitable tournament and I raised a pot with AQ, and got a caller. The flop and turn came out rags, but I stayed aggro with my two over cards as it kept getting checked to me. Finally, I went over aggro and pushed all in. I had a very good feeling that he had nothing, maybe a low pair with tons of overs on the board, but likely a weak ace, or very small pocket pair, and there would be no way he could call for his whole stack so early on in the event.

Well, I had the first part right. He had a pair of fours , bottom pair. But he called, and an ace or queen did not come and I was out less than 15 minutes into the tournament. It was a very maniac play I admit, and I would not do it again. While my read was dead on, I forgot the golden rule that, at the early levels, all the idiots are still in the tournament, and they're willing to make bad calls like that. Early Rock is the way to go.

I played some World of Warcraft this weekend as well. I did some Auction House work on my higher level character, did some fishing with my character I play with my wife to make more money, and did some solo on my lowbie priest to get him up in levels and try to pump up his alchemy a bit. The wife and I tried to do Wailing Caverns by ourselves (both level 22). It went ok for a while, but not great. Was fun still though, so who cares.

That's about it for now. Have a good one!


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