Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Friday, September 30, 2005

ADD for babies

When do kids gain focus? I had my son for TBall practice again and he kept getting distracted and wanting to go play in the park or run around, or something. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy baseball, as he was having fun, but he simply did not have the focus to stick with it for long. I wonder at what age they derive better focus.

This weekend I get to go to his TBall game, so that's sweet.

I'm slightly grumpy at the wife for not playing World of Warcraft with me last night. Sounds funny, but its just one of those plans gone awry thing. On the way into work yesterday we talked about doing an instance together, and went over strategy and some things we needed to do, etc. So when I got home, I worked on buying some eq upgrades, doing some fishing to make up money for the upgrades, and then logged into my priest alchemist. I sent him hunting for materials, and made enough potions to last us for the instance, and then mailed them off.

Then the wife said she didn't want to play.



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