Not Rich Yet

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Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Am I missing bets here?

I really want comments on this one. I like to go back over my hands and see where I may have missed bets... Comments in bold.

***** Hand History for Game 13330443 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - Sun Oct 9 02:43:12 GMT 2005
Table Shiner (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 6 is the button
Seat 1: homebrew ($3.70)
Seat 2: goriver ($5.60)
Seat 3: Kinbaku ($1.65)
Seat 4: Ray_Powers ($10.42)
Seat 5: biltmore ($4.50)
Seat 6: thebandit1 ($8.13)
Seat 7: glenndo ($3.60)
Seat 8: LUCASSY ($5.45)
Seat 9: player25 ($6.32)
Seat 10: S1LLYRABB1T ($4.35)
glenndo : Small Blind ($0.05)
LUCASSY : Big Blind ($0.10)
biltmore : Big Blind ($0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ Js Ts ]
--- My self admitted favorite hand. Its a loose game, and I am in middle position. I would either limp in with this, call a limp, or fold it to a raise.
player25 : Fold
S1LLYRABB1T : Call ($0.10)
homebrew : Fold
goriver : Call ($0.10)
Kinbaku : Fold
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- Call a limp it is.
biltmore : Check
thebandit1 : Call ($0.10)
glenndo : Call ($0.05)
--- Seven people in the pot, that's a lot, but its good for my flush theoretically.
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 4s 8s 3c ]
--- Well, I have my flush draw, and two overs.
glenndo : Check
S1LLYRABB1T : Bet ($0.10)
goriver : Call ($0.10)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- I decided to call here. Folding seems out of the question. I wonder about a raise though. I do have a flush draw and two overs. The two blinds checked, and I don't see who else would have hit this flop. Worst case scenario is pocket 3's limped in and then hit? Unlikely. I think, in the end, I don't raise because I want to keep people in to pay off my flush if it hits, but I want opinions here.
biltmore : Fold
thebandit1 : Call ($0.10)
glenndo : Call ($0.10)
--- Down to five people now
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
--- Now I have an open ended straight draw and STILL have two overs. Theoretically any spade, 7, 10, J, or Queen can win me the pot. That's 19 (9 Spades, 2 non spade sevens, 3 non spade 10's, 3 non spade jacks, 2 non spade queens) outs.
glenndo : Check
S1LLYRABB1T : Bet ($0.20)
goriver : Call ($0.20)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
--- I think I question not raising here the most. During the turn the people with missed draws will fold whether its 20 or 40. The people with something will stay in either way. My biggest fear is a high flush draw out there than mine, and if that happens, well then I am fucked and need to deal. Do I bet for value here? This is my biggest concern.
thebandit1 : Fold
glenndo : Call ($0.20)
** Dealing River ** : [ 3s ]
--- As seems to happen to me all the time, I hit my flush, but paired the board. So I lose to any higher flush draw, and anything that make a fullhouse. I like my flush, but if ahead of me I see bet, raise, reraise, I am probably laying this down.
glenndo : Check
S1LLYRABB1T : Bet ($0.20)
goriver : Call ($0.20)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
--- Everyone saw the same cards I did. With a bet, call, I have to assume people have something they are willing to play with. I think a raise here will turn into a reraise if I am beat, and I should take my bets and be happy if my flush holds up, especially with someone after me left to act. I think some people would raise here and call this play too tight, and if so I want to hear that opinion, but for now, I think just calling was the correct answer.
glenndo : Fold
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.50 | Rake: $0.10
Board: [ 4s 8s 3c 9c 3s ]
homebrew didn't bet
goriver lost $0.60 [ 8c Kh ] [ two pairs, eights and threes -- 8s 8c
3s 3c Kh ]
Kinbaku didn't bet
Ray_Powers bet $0.60, collected $2.50, net +$1.90 [ Js Ts ] [ a flush,
jack high -- Js Ts 8s 4s 3s ]
biltmore lost $0.10
thebandit1 lost $0.20
glenndo lost $0.40
LUCASSY lost $0.10
player25 didn't bet
S1LLYRABB1T lost $0.60 [ Qd Qs ] [ two pairs, queens and threes -- Qs
Qd 3s 3c 9c ]
--- Interesting to note that if he had raised with his queens, I would have folded and therefore he would have won the pot....
Ray_Powers wins $2.50 from the main pot with a flush, jack high

Ok, opinions?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that feels funny commenting on $.10/$.20 limit poker? It almost as if everyone at the table is playing the lottery. They all let their mediocre hands ride out until the river and whatever happens...happens.

11:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.s. be more aggressive :)

11:08 AM  
Blogger TheGirard said...

I'm with ben a bit, but I will try and be objective as if this was a higher limit.

Where you thought someone slow played their 3s, I thought someone hit their Junk from A/Junk. Or better yet, someone had their A/Junk suited the same as yours. I don't think you missed a bet, there were a lot of hands out there that could have beat you, especially pre-4th street. The Qs definitely missed a bet though, probably a couple.

11:32 AM  

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