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Friday, October 07, 2005

Check it down?

I seem to be in a habit of re-using content lately, but this is a post I did to Full Contact I wanted people's opinions on.


I'm just curious as to what everyone's feeling is on this nowadays.

Its late in a no limit tournament, getting close to the bubble. You, and two others are in a pot. One guy is all in for his last few chips preflop and you two are playing with an addition small side pot (less than 2 big blinds). The flop comes up blanks, missing you. Do you bet to try to bluff the guy out of the side pot to win those chips, or check it down to try to make sure you knock out the all in guy, betting only when you are confident you have the all in guy.

Last night I had this happen twice, and it went both ways. The first time a guy bet the flop, the other guy folded, the first guy proudly flipped over j-10 (which hit none of the board) and took his small pot, but also effectively tripled the all in guy with his ace rag when the board blanked, and I wanted to strangle the better.

In the second situation I was allin with AK, and two people had me covered. The flop came 2-10-2 and the small blind bet, the other guy folded, and the small blind flipped over A-10, which to me seemed fair, as the guy was saying with that bet 'Look, I have a top pair top kicker, unless you can beat that, I'll just take this guy out.'




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