Not Rich Yet

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Monday, October 10, 2005

The overcall

This blog is a quick hand analysis I thought I'd go over in here that highlights the importance of the overcall. For those of you not familiar with the concept, an overcall is an idea whereby you do not raise a bet with a great hand because you want the people following you to call as well, making you more bets in the long run. I had a hand that exemplified this concept last night so I figured I'd discuss it here. Comment included in the hand.

***** Hand History for Game 13417192 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - Mon Oct 10 05:28:45 GMT 2005
Table Rotation (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 10 is the button
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ Th Js ]
AzAce : Call ($0.10)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- Okay, lets not mince words here. This is a bad call. Jack Ten offsuit in early position? WTF am I thinking? Well, I was thinking "Its my last hand of the night, this table is unlikely to raise preflop, and I am already up for the night. Let me see a flop for my last hand for fun." That's my excuse and I am sticking to it.
blondine : Call ($0.10)
Hawkeye1997 : Fold
casinoman : Check
sheldon : Fold
1917 : Call ($0.05)
spyderblack : Check
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 9d 8h 3c ]
--- Well, that is quite the flop for me. I have an open ended straight draw, two overs, and there is no flush draw whatsoever. The table is very loose passive, with a couple maniacs (one directly before me in the betting), so anyone could have paired up on this board.
1917 : Check
spyderblack : Check
AzAce : Bet ($0.10)
--- Including this guy. But he is also a maniac at the table, so he could also be betting with nothing. I don't think its good to raise here because if I do hit my straight draw, it's going to be the nut straight, so I want more people in to call the bets.
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
blondine : Fold
casinoman : Call ($0.10)
1917 : Call ($0.10)
spyderblack : Call ($0.10)
--- Wow, that was a lot of callers. Sounds good to me I guess. Weird calling station tables.
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 7s ]
--- BOO YA!
1917 : Check
spyderblack : Check
AzAce : Bet ($0.20)
--- Here we get to the overcall idea. If I raise, now that the bet has already doubled since its the turn, I am going to start pushing people out. If I just call, people still on a draw, or with a pair somewhere in there, are likely to call. So if I raise, I am likely to only get a call from the original better, which is +1 Big bet, if I call, I may get everyone else to call, which is +3 big bets.
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
casinoman : Call ($0.20)
1917 : Call ($0.20)
spyderblack : Call ($0.20)
--- The best possible thing in the world for me could have been for spyderblack to raise here, but I'll take the extra two big bets I just got by not raising.
** Dealing River ** : [ 8c ]
--- This is a little scary, with a pair now on the board, its entirely possible that there is a full house out there. With the amount of money in the pot, there is no question I will need to call it down here, but I still need to think about overcalls or not. I have to assume AzAce will bet now matter what, since he's playing super aggressive.
1917 : Check
spyderblack : Check
AzAce : Bet ($0.20)
--- And of course he does bet. I think raising here is bad. If I raise, I will scare out anyone who does not have a full house, getting no more bets. A full house will reraise me, meaning I LOSE one extra bet in raising (since I still have to call it down). My best bet here is to call, and hope to get some overcalls if my hand is indeed still best.
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
casinoman : Fold
1917 : Fold
spyderblack : Fold
--- Aww, pickles. No more free big bets for me.
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.40 | Rake: $0.10
Board: [ 9d 8h 3c 7s 8c ]
1917 lost $0.40
spyderblack lost $0.40
AzAce lost $0.60 [ Jc Qs ] [ one pair of eights -- 8h 8c Qs Jc 9d ]
Ray_Powers bet $0.60, collected $2.40, net +$1.80 [ Th Js ] [ a
straight, jack to seven -- Js Th 9d 8h 7s ]
blondine lost $0.10
LUCASSY didn't bet
Hawkeye1997 didn't bet
casinoman lost $0.40
sheldon didn't bet
Ray_Powers wins $2.40 from the main pot with a straight, jack to seven

So, AzAce was semi-bluffing the whole way with two overs and a gutshot straight draw. I am not really faulting his super aggressive style for this hand, since the board looked like total crap, and it was easy to assume that he could get someone with two overs or a low pair to throw it away when they saw how aggressively he was betting. It was just his bad luck that I happened to hit my straight on the turn.

All in all though, a good final pot for the night, even though it was a hand I likely shouldn't have been in to begin with. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i see this as a prime example where the non-agressive player wins little money off a "big" hand. :P

11:01 AM  

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