Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Pub Poker, and the next donkey hand

Played Pub Poker with the whole crew last night and had a blast. I honestly felt like I played pretty good until I moved tables and saw Dan just kind of hanging out after being knocked out early. Realizing that my wife would probably like to hang out with him more, I pushed all in with KQ suited ( not horrible, but really totally unnecessary, I had plenty of chips), and got called by two people, one with AK. oops. I mean, I half wanted to go home, so its fine, but still.

I was also bitter when not once, but twice, people violated the check it down idea (see earlier blog), once tripling up a guy, and then, in a fit of karmic injustice, the guy who screwed it up the first time got to quadruple up when he was all in and was the recipient of another bad bluff bet at the side pot that let him back in the game.

And now for today's analysis of a hand:

***** Hand History for Game 13382713 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit) - Sun Oct 9 20:17:24 GMT 2005
Table Shiner (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 3 is the button
Seat 1: king_king ($4.35)
Seat 2: beejay ($3.16)
Seat 3: Mini ($1.40)
Seat 4: LaughingPenguin ($2)
Seat 5: Steeevee ($26.80)
Seat 6: achi007 ($1.40)
Seat 7: Ray_Powers ($10.62)
Seat 8: adpres ($4.50)
Seat 10: LUCASSY ($4.14)
LaughingPenguin : Small Blind ($0.05)
Steeevee : Big Blind ($0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ Qc Jc ]
achi007 : Fold
Ray_Powers : Raise ($0.20)
--- While I would not normally advocate raising with Queen Jack suited, I also aboslutely hate limping as the first one in a pot. I don't think I am going to do as well in a multiway pot with this hand, so I want to try to eliminate people.
adpres : Fold
king_king : Call ($0.20)
beejay : Call ($0.20)
Mini : Call ($0.20)
LaughingPenguin : Fold
Steeevee : Fold
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Jh Ah Kd ]
--- Jesus. That was an interesting flop. Flush draw, straight draw, plenty of paint. I have bottom pair and a gutshot straight draw. I think I have to bet to see where I am. I think I am behind though.
Ray_Powers : Bet ($0.10)
king_king : Call ($0.10)
beejay : Fold
Mini : Call ($0.10)
--- Yeah, somebody has an ace I think. Normally I would not be so sure, but with these people calling my preflop raise from early position, I am almost positive.
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Js ]
--- WOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO! Praises be to the poker gods! Well, I already have the lead, and it's going to look like continuation betting, so might as well keep firing. In retrospect, I should have check raised here. I missed a bet.
Ray_Powers : Bet ($0.20)
king_king : Call ($0.20)
Mini : Call ($0.20)
** Dealing River ** : [ 2d ]
--- Yeah right, like that helped anyone. Fire!
Ray_Powers : Bet ($0.20)
king_king : Raise ($0.40)
Mini : Fold
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.20)
--- Another missed bet. WTF did I think, he was slow playign Q10, KK, or AA? I should have pumped this to his likely two pair.
** Summary **
Main Pot: $2.55 | Rake: $0.10
Board: [ Jh Ah Kd Js 2d ]
king_king lost $0.90 [ Qd Ad ] [ two pairs, aces and jacks -- Ah Ad Js
Jh Kd ]
--- I hate it when I am right. :(
beejay lost $0.20
Mini lost $0.50
LaughingPenguin lost $0.05
Steeevee lost $0.10
achi007 didn't bet
Ray_Powers bet $0.90, collected $2.55, net +$1.65 [ Qc Jc ] [ three of
a kind, jacks -- Js Jh Jc Ah Kd ]
adpres didn't bet
LUCASSY didn't bet
Ray_Powers wins $2.55 from the main pot with three of a kind, jacks

Any thoughts on this one?


Blogger TheGirard said...

wow...I can't believe how unbelievably dominated you were in this hand pre-turn.

12:55 PM  
Blogger Ray said...

Yeah, I was so ready to check/fold the turn until that lovely lovely jack hit.

2:52 PM  

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