Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


After work today I spent about 3 hours typing in Games Workshop inventory, trying desperately to get the inventory ready to sell to someone opening up a new store. I hate Games Workshop. I hate it I hate it I hate it. Bleh.

At least I had the Coyotes game to keep me company. And during the game of Phoenix vs Calgary, I was amazed to hear the "voice of the coyotes" diss Canada! It wasn't the best diss ever but it was damn funny for television.

Color Commentary Guy: Calgary has only scored on their power plays 7% of the time this year.
Play by Play guy: Less than that now! (Referring ot the fact that they did not score for SIX power plays this game.)
Color Commentary Guy: I didn't want to do the math.
Play by Play guy: It doesn't matter, the math is different in Canada.


I also played some World of Warcraft, mainly just auction housing and fishing. I installed new updates of Titan Bar, Fishing buddy, Auctioneer, and Fish Ping! Oh wow do I love Fish Ping. When the bobber splashes it plays a splash sound you can easily here, so instead of staring at the screen until your eyes bleed, you can cast, move your mouse over the bobber, then close your eyes or look at something else until you hear the "Bloop!" sound. So much easier, and making up for the fact that Oily Blackmouths and Firefin Snappers seem to be showing up only half as often as I am used to. Damn random variance.

I didn't play poker last night, but I have to whip up an e-mail for a poker game for my dad. I'm kind of annoyed at this. My dad wants to have a poker game at his house, that's great. He can organize it. Why am I organizing his game? Bleh, anyways, those of you who know me will likely get an e-mail soon.

And now, today's hand for review:

***** Hand History for Game 13393450 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit)
Table Seed (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
ARook : Small Blind ($0.05)
macchine1 : Big Blind ($0.10)
philb_damase : Big Blind ($0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ 2c Ac ]
stevepar78 : Fold
Antonella16 : Fold
Ray_Powers : Raise ($0.20)
-- First question to answer is why play A2. Mainly, I am playing for the flush capabilities, because at this table, I almost always have odds to draw to my nut flush. This table is very loose preflop. Why raise? Because I like being the aggressor, and I hate being the first one to limp in on a pot. I want people to think I have a hand, so that I can hopefully push someone else off a weaker hand, like an ace medium kicker. In retrospect, these ideas clash a little bit, because by raising, I forced out the usual limpers and did not have my odds for the flush draw really.
philb_damase : Call ($0.10)
Hampfred : Call ($0.20)
ARook : Fold
macchine1 : Fold
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 8c 4c 9h ]
--- Well, my flush draw hit, and the blinds folded, so I have a good feeling that this did not hit anyone, so I want to bet it to just try to take down the pot right here.
Ray_Powers : Bet ($0.10)
philb_damase : Call ($0.10)
Hampfred : Call ($0.10)
--- Hurm, they both stayed in. Do they just have overs? What the heck?
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 9c ]
--- Well, my flush hit, If someone else is on the flush draw, they will raise me here thinking I was betting AK or a pocket pair. Let's see if I can extract some bets out of anyone.
Ray_Powers : Bet ($0.20)
philb_damase : Call ($0.20)
Hampfred : Call ($0.20)
--- Er?
** Dealing River ** : [ Jc ]
--- Now its four to the flush! Someone has to have a club and can raise me with it, right? I mean, I know no one has a full house by now..
Ray_Powers : Bet ($0.20)
philb_damase : Fold
Hampfred : Fold
Ray_Powers does not show cards
Ray_Powers wins $1.60

I seriously do not get this hand. Anyone want to throw out some guesses as to what the other two people had?


Blogger TheGirard said...

Paint or A/Junk

9:58 AM  

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