Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Monday Monday

First, I'd like to note I have added Mark Cuban to my blog links, a reference from Wakko. I read it off and on for a bit, but this blog convinced me he was a man worth linking: Television DRM

I really didn't play any poker this weekend except a couple hands on party poker where I just couldn't get anything going. What they say about mood affecting your game is so true. Its not that I was in a bad mood, I just wasn't in the mood to play, and my game reflected that.

I had some fun with the wife playing World of Warcraft and we both hit 24. I got her a new bow to use. I still need a new axe and some leather wrist equipment that doesn't suck, because they all seem to right now. I'm up to 56 gold with my level 24 guy, and my level 40 has gone from 42 to 68 gold in the past two weeks through auction house whoring. I need to get to 200 minimum so both the wife and I have mount money. Fun Fun.

I also watched the first half of season one of Lost. I really can not decide if I like it yet or not. I wonder if its even possible for them to make Shannon a more annoying character though? I have want the island to turn barbaric and make her a sex slave to the rest of the crew; it's her only possible use.

Ok, on to today's hand to analyze. Comments in bold as always. This is a short one.

***** Hand History for Game 13392893 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit)
Table Seed (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 4 is the button
macchine1 : Small Blind ($0.05)
stevepar78 : Big Blind ($0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ Kc Ah ]
--- Middle position with AKo seems ok. I want to try to raise with this to narrow the field, or at least bet for value.
capthook006 : Call ($0.10)
Antonella16 : Call ($0.10)
cantwin : Fold
Ray_Powers : Raise ($0.20)
LUCASSY : Call ($0.20)
jtom72 : Fold
Hampfred : Fold
macchine1 : Fold
stevepar78 : Fold
--- What the? People folded to my preflop raise?! What is this table coming to? :)
capthook006 : Call ($0.10)
Antonella16 : Call ($0.10)
** Dealing Flop ** : [ Qc 8h 3s ]
--- Bleh :( At least I have two overs.
capthook006 : Check
Antonella16 : Bet ($0.10)
Ray_Powers : Fold
--- But apparently I will fold anyways. Seriously, that's the big blind that bet. He probably has an 8. There is $1.00 (minus rake) in the pot, so I need better than 1-10 odds to hit my A or K or runner runner straight, which I have. I should have called this I think. :(
LUCASSY : Raise ($0.20)
--- This is much scarier. If I think he has two pair or a set, I need to fold. If he has queens, I am still in the same odds boat. Knowing this guy, I would put him on a queen, but not two pair.
capthook006 : Fold
Antonella16 : Raise ($0.20)
--- Woah. Here is where I should have folded. I must be WAY WAY behind at this point.

Rest of the hand shown here just for people's curiosity. The obvious questions come for when/if I should have folded here. Thoughts?

LUCASSY : Raise ($0.20)
Antonella16 : Call ($0.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ 2s ]
Antonella16 : Bet ($0.20)
LUCASSY : Raise ($0.40)
Antonella16 : Call ($0.20)
** Dealing River ** : [ Qd ]
Antonella16 : Bet ($0.20)
LUCASSY : Raise ($0.40)
Antonella16 : Raise ($0.40)
LUCASSY : Raise ($0.40)
Antonella16 : Call ($0.20)
** Summary **
Main Pot: $3.95 | Rake: $0.20
Board: [ Qc 8h 3s 2s Qd ]
Ray_Powers lost $0.20
LUCASSY lost $1.80 [ Tc Qh ] [ three of a kind, queens -- Qh Qd Qc Tc
8h ]
jtom72 didn't bet
Hampfred didn't bet
macchine1 lost $0.05
stevepar78 lost $0.10
capthook006 lost $0.20
Antonella16 bet $1.80, collected $3.95, net +$2.15 [ 3h Qs ] [ a full
house, queens full of threes -- Qs Qd Qc 3s 3h ]
cantwin didn't bet
Antonella16 wins $3.95 from the main pot with a full house, queens full
of threes


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