Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Leaving money out there

The topic applies to poker and life. Last night I finally sold all fo the games workshop inventory I had in the garage after the store closed for a price that was a win win for both of us. The new store guy got a smoking deal, and I got enough to pay off the last of the store debt. It took some pushing to get this sale to go through, mainly because getting a response from him at all was quite a challenge, and then getting him to actually come out and look at the inventory was even harder. But once he was here, it was an easy sell. I had put this off way too long, there was a significant amount of money to be gathered by selling this stuff, and I just sat on it for four months. Bad me. That's a habit I need to stop. Its as if I took 3K, then left it in my garage for four months for no reason.

My hand of the day exemplifies this habit of leaving money out there that should be mine..

***** Hand History for Game 13393652 *****
0.10/0.20 Texas Hold'em (Split Limit)
Table Seed (10 max) (Real Money) -- Seat 1 is the button
Seat 1: Ray_Powers ($12.87)
Seat 2: LUCASSY ($1.15)
Seat 3: philb_damase ($4.10)
Seat 4: Hampfred ($1.75)
Seat 5: ARook ($2.50)
Seat 6: macchine1 ($3.40)
Seat 7: stevepar78 ($4.85)
Seat 8: capthook006 ($7.61)
LUCASSY : Small Blind ($0.05)
philb_damase : Big Blind ($0.10)
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Ray_Powers [ Ac 6c ]
Hampfred : Call ($0.10)
ARook : Call ($0.10)
macchine1 : Call ($0.10)
stevepar78 : Call ($0.10)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- Yes, I call here. I already have pot odds for the nut flush draw. It seems weird to play Ace junk, but Ace junk suited often has odds to play at this loose of a table.
philb_damase : Raise ($0.10)
Hampfred : Call ($0.10)
ARook : Call ($0.10)
macchine1 : Call ($0.10)
stevepar78 : Call ($0.10)
Ray_Powers : Call ($0.10)
--- Ok, so someone had a hand. That's fine. All the better to break off if my flush hits.
** Dealing Flop ** : [ 5h 9c Kc ]
--- Woot! Two clubs!
philb_damase : Bet ($0.10)
Hampfred : Call ($0.10)
ARook : Call ($0.10)
macchine1 : Raise ($0.20)
stevepar78 : Raise ($0.30)
--- Wow. bet, raise, reraise. I get scared and fold like a little girl here. I should have stopped to think about it. I will have to put in 30. The current pot is 215, so really, I do I have better than 7-1 odds to make my flush? I do. I should have called this. :(
Ray_Powers : Fold
philb_damase : Raise ($0.30)
Hampfred : Fold
ARook : Fold
macchine1 : Call ($0.20)
stevepar78 : Call ($0.10)
** Dealing Turn ** : [ Ah ]
-- Now I woudl have had top pair with a weak kicker too, but if everyone was betting on kings, or two pair, or even a set, this card gives me more outs.
philb_damase : Check
macchine1 : Bet ($0.20)
stevepar78 : Call ($0.20)
philb_damase : Call ($0.20)
--- I still would have had odds to call here.
** Dealing River ** : [ 7c ]
--- And to add insult to injury, I would have made my nut flush.
philb_damase : Check
macchine1 : Check
stevepar78 : Bet ($0.20)
philb_damase : Raise ($0.40)
macchine1 : Call ($0.40)
stevepar78 : Raise ($0.40)
philb_damase : Raise ($0.40)
macchine1 : Call ($0.40)
stevepar78 : Call ($0.20)
--- And to add MORE insult to injury, someone had the king of clubs, and I would have made a monster of a pot.
** Summary **
Main Pot: $5.40 | Rake: $0.25
Board: [ 5h 9c Kc Ah 7c ]
Ray_Powers lost $0.20
LUCASSY lost $0.05
philb_damase lost $1.60 [ 7d 9d ] [ two pairs, nines and sevens -- 9d
9c 7d 7c Ah ]
Hampfred lost $0.30
ARook lost $0.30
macchine1 lost $1.60 [ Ks 3c ] [ one pair of kings -- Ks Kc Ah 9c 7c ]
stevepar78 bet $1.60, collected $5.40, net +$3.80 [ 4c 5c ] [ a flush,
king high -- Kc 9c 7c 5c 4c ]
capthook006 sits out
stevepar78 wins $5.40 from the main pot with a flush, king high

This was a HUGE mistake. This is something I really need to fix in my game. :(

Pub poker is tonight. If somebody sees me do this again tonight, bitchslap me.


Blogger jramsey said...

I'm calling that flop all day. I also love to play A-x suited because I can get away from it easily if anything but two of my x, suit, or one Ace comes.

On an unpaired board, you have the nut flush draw. With players at .1/.2, you gotta assume they'll do a lot of weird things. I think we've got to call, let it be capped, and start chanting "club, club, club" to ourselves.

9:26 AM  

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