Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, October 24, 2005

States and the Blogger Tournament

This weekend was a whirlwind. Friday at around 6pm I started becoming feverish and having dizzy spells, and in general just go deliriously sick. But I had to go run states, so off I went Saturday morning to hold what I thought would be a huge states tournament.

85 people. Bleh.

The event was relatively boring (thank goodness since I was sick as a dog), except for one funny exchange.

I had put up a booster draft for $20 for Japanese Ravnica. I announce it and a girl and guy together walk by. The guy is still in tournament and mentions that he wants to sign the girl up for it just to draft cards. The girl then goes off about the cost and how it s junk not worth $20. Then , to "Prove her point" she says (and I quote) "That's junk! That's not worth $20. For $20 I could get a lipstick and two eyeliners!"

Mental note to girl, when trying to prove our stuff is junk, do not try to equate it to what we would consider your junk in terms of value. Seriously, I would have taken nearly any answer there that made sense, like "four books" or "a nice dinner." But "a lipstick and two eyeliner" is not a compelling argument.

After states I went home and died a horrible sickly death, then got up Sunday, did some morning chores and settled in to play in the Pokerstars Blogger Invitational. 1473 people total. Sheesh.

I start off badly, and go from 2000 all the way down to 475 in short order, and at one point even go down to 410. But I was determined to remain focused and not just give up, and it paid off, as I clawed my way up from 410 to average chipstack, then, at one point, top 50 chip stacks. I maintained focus for hour after hour, but it was not meant to be, and I went out in 54th when my push with pocket 5's ran into pocket queens and pocket aces. Sheesh. Still, that's top 5%. I am happy with that result and had a blast, and I get a Pokerstars Shirt and Cap for being in the top 99!

Everyone seemed to have fun too, there was a lot of friendly banter back and forth, except for IanBarns, who seemed intent on calling me a donkey all day long when I called his all in push with pocket Queens when he had pocket jacks. *shrug* I had fun with it and set him back on tilt, but honestly, how dumb can some players be. If you think I suck, shut up and take all my money. Telling me I suck is not advantageous to you at all since, if I do believe you, I will then try to get better, and then you can't take my money. If he was trying to set me on tilt, he did a pretty horrible job of it. He called me a donkey, I told him to share the hay, etc. So in general, all got out of the whole thing was that he was a rude jackass, but overall the event was great, so who cares...

A couple links before I quit for the day.

The worst beat I took in this tournament.

Hurmmm, can't link the second one so I'll do a small paste:

Total Winnings: $1,214 Total Final Tables: 8


That's for the past YEAR of what looks like consistent play. That's the guy calling me a donkey? No offense, but I don't think I get the right to call someone a donkey until I at least have a five digit win under my belt....



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