Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

not a lot.

Nothing happened at pub poker. I mean I just never ever got a hand, and never hit a flop, and my only shining moment was actually having a real reason todo a live straddle. With 1800 in chips and about to hit the big blind, they raised the blinds to 400/800 on me. I live stradled all in. People are less likely to call 1800 flat than to call 800, then 1000 more, and I'd prefer not to have to play against 3 or 4 people with whatever random junk hand I get...

Just was not a great night for poker. *shrug* It happens.

This weekend is the company halloween party, that should be fun.


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