Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Friday, December 23, 2005

Clean Up

I cleaned up some of the blog links today, and removed people that had not posted in two weeks or longer. I figure stale links are no fun.

I got the new laptop last night.. The screen was damaged on it. I'm pretty pissed off. Returning it today for a new one. My wife paid the extra $300 for the extended warranty, DOH. Apparently she did not understand what a fool deal that is. :(

That's about it. I'm tired, I'm cranky, I'm annoyed, and not really in the x-mas spirit. I'll work on that.

Oh and I am installing Civ Four tonight on a computer is anyone wants to kick my ass. I suck at these games.


Blogger Mike said...

Damn Ray... what sort of baby chipmunk did you run over to get this much bad karma dropped on you! That REALLY sucks, I can imagine the state I would be in if my new portable had a busted screen, after all the ordeal that led to getting it. On balance, you're taking it pretty well!

11:31 AM  

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