Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Caught Up

Poker Account (USD) 200.06 USD

Heh. Well, I started with $200, so I am "back to even," not counting the promotional money, which I am leaving in the Cashier's Account.

Cashier Account (USD) 8.79 USD 209.05 USD

That means I have cleared $8.79 of $209.05 possible. I think this means I am technically behind still a little bit, because I cashed my first dollar or two to my poker account before I decided that was a bad idea, as it made it hard for me to judge my progress, but close enough.

I've been playing a lot tho, but mainly at $1/$2. It looks like its going to take forever to clear this bonus at $1/$2. Technically, my Neteller account has the bankroll to play $5/$10, but I honestly don't feel comfortable doing it right now. I'm still having trouble with the $2/$4 tables some times, especially on FCP, where they appear to be rock gardens. I would love to play more $2/$4 to clear faster, but I am trying incredibly hard to practice game selection, and the $1/$2 games are way juicier, seeming to have a 30-35% saw flop percentage, where the $2/$4 tables have 22-27% saw flop.

I two tabled last night, bought in for $50 each table. I ended on table one with $29 (-10.5BB), and table two with $106 (+28BB). Table one was my typical FCP table where hand after hand got cracked, and strangely enough, table two was the opposite, where hand after hand stood up. My KJ offsuit ended with a board of 68JKJ with people calling me all the way down. It was that kind of good night on that table. If I can log a few more of those, I'll be back into happy profit land on FCP, not counting the bonus.

Tonight is the wife's birthday, so Dinner at Ninja. Unlikely that poker will occur tonight, so enjoy this poker blog, you are not going to see one tomorrow. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Less talky, more sake!

8:35 AM  

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