Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Pub Poker and Poker Tracker


So last night I was super donkey. I got pocket queens in the third hand and raised from to 500 with the blinds at 50/100 and got two callers! The flop comes A47 with two spades and of course I am beat, but for some reason I keep at it and lose half my chips right off the bat.

I make a bad call with KJ offsuit on a preflop raise and the flop comes K4K, and a few bets later I am back to even, then I make a couple more bad calls preflop, and then make a raise of 500 into a big stack with KQ offsuit, he raises 1500 more and I push all in. He flips over aces and the board does not provide me with a miracle.

Honestly, I played the whole night horrible and I just wasn't in the mood, not sure why, especially since I can't do it next week because we're going out for the wife's bday. Ah well.

My poker tracker e-mail came in this morning, and I can not describe how much I'd rather be at home working on that than doing real work. Unfortunately, the e-mail is a "send me your product ID email" so I still don't have a license yet, and likely won't get one until tomorrow. Bleh.

Not much else to say. Gonna spend some time today working on Keller's site. Fun Fun. If you want to see what's going on with his site in more depth visit here

See ya.


Blogger Mike said...

Wow. I guess I'll see you for poker on 12/21. Or sooner, if you do a game again at your dad's place. Stephanie has asked if she could come too, since she wants to meet Kelly.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Ray said...

Steph is always welcome, but noone was really up for poker until the holidays were done. Udnerstandable...

6:37 AM  

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