Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Things I learned today..

And its not even 9:30am yet!

1. Conjunctivitis is Pink Eye
2. No matter how long you leave the puppy out, he will still come inside, and crap on your carpet.
3. My WHOIS domain info is wrong.
4. Del Taco Breakfast foods give me the runs.
5. My office will always be the stopping point for people to come chat.

Ok, nothing earth shattering, but still, an educaitonal morning thus far.

Yesterday, I was home sick, and did some pokering while recovering. I went on a nightmarishly horrible cold decking. I started at $2/4 with $64 (yeah I know its low to join that game, but it's all I have on Carribean Sun, where I am tryign to clear a bonus), when a bad run of cards kicks me down to $52. I jump down to $1/$2 to ride it out. I lose all the way down to $39 left. I jump down to $0.50/$1.00 to ride out the monster cold decking I am receiving. I end at $54. About as good as I could have hoped for, I guess. Heh.

Tonight is Pub Poker. Yay!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pub poker! Yay!

12:08 PM  
Blogger T-Pup said...

Ray - arent the crypto sites bonsues just free money? Sad enough you gotta play 2/4 to clear it quick

12:38 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

Del Taco is nasty. I am certainly the sort of person who can eat el-cheapo meals, and I won't come anywhere near theirs. Worse than Pancho's old 4-tacos-for-a-dollar that I used to subsist on in high school. Oh, and the secret to beating conjunctivitis fast is: get a bottle of the hand desanitizer lotion, and constantly be washing and sanitizing your hands throughout the day, and washing the area around the eye with soap and water. In a day or so it goes away. If you don't, it lingers, and can spread to the other eye...

12:46 PM  

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