Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

No Content

I have two friends, one a lawyer, one a lawyer in training. Both have blogs. Both talk a lot more than I do. It's like they always have something to say, something to discuss, something to impress up on you, something to convince you of.

I admit I don't. It's not what I use my blog for. I have no desire to convince you of anything. I have nothing so important that I feel the need to impress it upon you in the simple storytelling device.

Because that's all my blog really is; a storytelling device. It's here for me to relate to you a tale or two about my life, and maybe share a few emotions. It's a way for me to share my life with friends I don't get to see as often as I would like, and let them know what is going on and how I am feeling. To me, it's not a medium for discussion, or a method to convince some one of an interesting new idea I have. I'm not saying it's wrong for people to use it as such, it's just not something I do, and I find it interesting that people use their blogs for such different purposes.

I'm off half of tomorrow while my house gets worked on for some warranty work, then Thursday I am off to Gen Con So Cal. My wife has been having issues with her hormone medication, so hopefully she will not go crazy and destroy the house and children while I am gone. I did not get to play Poker last night, but did find out how to get my hand histories off of Caribbean, so will start doing some posting of those soon for those of you looking for poker content. I will not be at Pub Poker this Wednesday because I want to visit with the family some before I leave to So Cal.

And that's all I got for today. No deep message. Just a quick update. Hopefully, for my readers, that's enough.


Blogger Mike said...

That's okay, Ray. Some of us are efficient and straightforward with our blogs. (You.) Some of us have delusions of writing like Tycho. (Me.) The goals and methods are equally disparate. :)

10:09 AM  

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