Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Pass to the *RED* Shirts!

Pretty hyper weekend for me. Tons went on, so I thought I'd try to do a bit of a recap here.

Friday after work we went to Brandi's house to play some Magic with her, her fiance, and her dad. At least that was the plan. We showed up on time at 7pm. Her dad and mom and brother showed up around 9:30pm. I played some with her fiance and we went about even, had some fun, then headed home because we had a long day ahead.

Saturday I drove out to Mana Werx to run a Grand Prix Trial. Wow is that a drive. Took me 1 hr 10 minutes to get there. Their store has no sign on it, which was pretty annoying to try to find, because the building also did not have an address on it. I got lucky and hit it on the first try tho. The event itself had 14 players, which is pretty much perfect for me. 14 players meant I lost the minimum amount of money for the event, but it also got over in the shortest period of time, which meant I had time to go home and get changed for the mixed game Saturday night!

I changed and headed there a bit early. I had some of my dad's famous goulash, which I love, and my wife, her sister, my dad and I hung out waiting for people to start showing at 7pm. At 7:15, we started playing for fun on our own with candy for bets. At 8:00 we decided to run a four person no limit tournament for a few bucks, as still no one had come. I split that with my wife's sister, as when we got down to two, Bahr showed up, and we decided to play some for real with five people. We cut the buy in to make it more fun since some people were getting used to playing some of the games, and played the rest of the night five handed, having a great time. I ended up even on the night, getting cold decked for the last hour and a half, but still, a good time was had by all it seems.

I'm admittedly pretty pissed at the total lack of show up or call ins. Three people had said they were coming for sure. Two more were maybes. One of the three for sures called and cancelled, so kudos to Jay for at least letting me know he wasn't coming. I didn't agree with why he wasn't coming, but at least he let me know. The others never responded at all, even when I called everyone I could that day to try to get some verifications on the day of, so my dad knew how much goulash to make. Just annoying when I have people who suggest new games, suggest dates to make it easier for them, suggest changes in the stakes, all of which I accommodate... and then don't show up. Whatever.

Sunday we (my wife, sister in law, and I) went to the Cardinals vs Seahawks game with Thomas, who has season tickets. We had a great time. It was my wife's first football game ever, and she is a seahawks fan, so she had a blast. I had to keep yelling at the Card's quarterback to "Pass it to the red shirts, you idiot!" He did not listen, throwing three interceptions, and continuously passing to the second best guy on the field. If there was a wide open receiver, he would pass it instead to the receiver who was covered, or sure to get nailed as soon as he caught the ball. Poor Thomas is a huge Cardinals fan, and he was devastated during the game at how pathetic the Cardinals played. I'm not a huge sports fan, so I was able to root for the Cards and have fun without really caring that they were getting stomped. I was just having fun being there hanging out with everyone.

And that was my weekend. Now I need some time to recover from my weekend. Wish I could have slept in today. :)


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