Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Friday, November 04, 2005


It's a busy day already.

Dan is back in L.A. He has an offer on a house. I hope they take it so he is done with that and doesn't have to worry about it much. It looks like I'll be walking him through his first few days/weeks at the company. So he's reporting to me without reporting to me. Funny stuff. Not that it matters, I know what needs to be done, he knows what needs to be done, I'm just helping him get all the data he needs to actually do it.

$1/$2 poker this weekend! I am excited, mainly because I haven't played in about a week. I'm jonesing big time. Last night I could have, but instead the wife and I played some World of WarCraft. We went on a quest slightly out of our league, so it was pretty exciting. We died about three times each, but it was all in good fun, and she needed some mind numbing entertainment. She's been feeling a bit out of sorts lately, and had her feelings hurt recently by a friend, so was kinda down in the dumps.

I expect to do pretty well, and have been reading up on Stud Hi Lo, and Tim has been walking me through some of the nuances of Omaha 8 or Better. I'd like to walk out of the game with a bit of a profit. Especially since the wife is playing, and I think she may have some problems in our poker shark tank.

I also have a Grand Prix Trial to run on Saturday, and two people to Judge test. I half want no one to show so I can just rest Saturday. The event is unlikely to be profitable, and will be a long trip and a lot of work for little to no benefit. *sigh* I am down with PTQ's, but I am so not a fan of running GPTs. Ah well.

Sunday is unknown. Originally we were going to the Cardinals game, but that looks nixed. I think I will send wife and her sister to the game, and I'll just hang at home with the kids. We'll see.

Have a good weekend all!


Blogger Mike said...

I don't know if Dan knew this, but there was a fairly big thread on Slashdot in regard to the NASA layoffs... it was a few weeks ago, over a month but I forget exactly. I didn't make the connection at the time, but there it was. The general consensus opinion of the thread was that those guys were getting hosed and it wasn't right, but hopefully with their qualifications, they can tear it up and cash in working for private companies.

6:43 PM  

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