Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Things I learned this weekend...

1) When the bill at Ninja is $117, and the other guy hands her $200 and tells her to keep the change, you have automatically lost the war to pay the bill.

2) Signing up for Rapid Rewards negates at least one Secondary Search flag. I was not searched during my three trips Saturday morning at all.

3) I do not have the patience for Audio Books. After the first flight, I turned off my IPod and bought two paper backs.

4) People in the poker lifestyle have no concept of time. Both people were late to meet me, and I almost missed the last two flights.

5) I do not win raffles. Ever.

6) My son likes MiniGolf.

7) Southwest's Boarding Pass system has a glitch, and you can never print out more than two boarding passes for a single trip. This proved to be a problem for me since I had three trips to make on Saturday.

Other notes for the weekend. I have both my WoW characters that are active over 100G now, so mount money is no longer a problem. That makes me happy. I also have not played poker if about 5 days, and am not missing it too much. Apparently I need a bit of a break.

Dan comes to town tomorrow. Woot. Halloween with the kids tonight.. All good over all..


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