Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Friday, November 11, 2005


Supposedly Alyssa Milano has herpes according to a gossip/radio show I heard. These destroys so many fantasies of mine its not even funny. :(

NAU is officially the site to never again deal with, screwing up my PTQ this weekend by requesting an insurance addition that no insurance company would ever agree to.

New on the list of top ten sucky things for more reasons that I can count: Having the three year old walk in on you and the wife during that "special time."

Eating one a day vitamins, makes me throw up. I've tried three times now with different variations of eating and drinking before and after taking it. Nope, I always throw up.

I am likely to have to cash out a lot of my Poker bankroll to pay for x-mas this year, as I just had a horrible money week between the NAU thing and a $900 car repair bill.

I'm just pretty pissed about this week, that's all there is to it.

More better things to come... I hope.


Blogger Stephanie said...

Don't worry Ray, things could be worse .. Not sure what that could be. But at least you were getting some, your car didn't cost more than that, and I don't know anything about the other thing, so GG :)

7:59 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

man, how random is the PTQ thing. Welcome to having as few players as possible for the PTQ, and most people not getting the word until they get to the Flagstaff Denny's and gas their car back up...

I tell ya man, some of the crap that happens to you as a TO, especially when you hit an obstacle and try to do the right thing... it makes me wonder what other TOs do in the same situation... and I wonder how many players are getting screwed as a result. Players here have confidence that your integrity is solid (well, except Alex E.) but I would imagine that back east, they howl for blood.

12:49 PM  

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