Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Monday, November 28, 2005


How can I not win a $5 No Limit Tourney in my house on thanksgiving weekend against my wife, sister-in-law, her husband, my wife's mom, and her boyfriend?

I dunno, but I went out in third place. I went all in on a scary board of Ah6d7d, and got called by A4 offsuit. So much for bluffing. :)

I was shortstacked the entire tournament when twice I bet heavy on a set only to be called down by someone who rivered a flush. Both times I had priced them out of the pot, but they stuck it out. Long term, that play works for me, but luck was not on my side that night. I also lost a bunch when my flush got beat by a full house. Second Best Hand Syndrome sucks.

That was the only poker I played all weekend. I spent most of the weekend when I was not running a pro tour qualifier playing the free ticket drafts on Magic Online. End of the weekend put my at even on packs, up about 60 points in ranking, and some good rares to sell for tickets to keep up my drafting habit. It was fun times.

Sorry for the long weekend and short blog, but I don't have a lot to talk about right now. See ya soon.


Blogger Mike said...

That's because we "real players" are cursed never to play well with friends and family. It happened to me as well (details on my blog). I tried to play as smart as possible, but you can't do much when people are slamming all over the place and rebuying and you're still sitting there with your original stack o' chips...

12:18 PM  
Blogger Ray said...

Nice, eloquent. I simply never got to build up. Too many 'second bets hands' wiped me out... Ah well. :)

8:03 AM  

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