Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Busy Night

Last night was:

4:45 PM Leave Work
5:00 Pick up Wife
5:30 Pick up Kids
6:30 Get home. Let out dogs. Let wife clean puppy mess. Move shipping product into car
6:45 Go to UPS store. Ship out Product to Wotc. Ship out Invoice.
7:00 Go to Staples. Buy Envelopes and backings for picture mailing
7:15 McDonalds for Kids dinner
7:30 Wal-Mart to buy a ton of xmas gifts
8:15 Home, put kids to bed
8:30 Log in to FCP and one table while wrapping gifts
11:30 Finish wrapping gifts, log out of FCP a whole $3 richer. Go to sleep.
12:00 Get back up because my daughter needs a drink
1:00 Get back up because my daughter just wet her pants
2:00 Get back up because my daughter "needs mommy!" who lets her in the bed with us. No sleep for the rest of the night because whenever my daughter gets in bed with us, she takes over the whole bed, and I get pushed off, kicked, etc.

So, uh, I am tired.

Two funny stories from Poker. First, I got dealt pocket aces twice in a row, and both times they held up. Second, on a big blind of 68 in an unraised pot, the flop came a rainbow 579. Yeah, I got paid off by pocket kings who didn't raise preflop. Idiot. Despite those great pots, I ended up barely ahead because my trend of huge hands getting cracked continued for the other three hours of play last night. Sigh....

Have a good one all.


Blogger Ray said...

It was truly stunning. I honestly don't remember the last time AA held up for me before this.

11:27 AM  

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