Not Rich Yet

Read through my chronicles of life, poker, and the quest for a lot of money, not necessarily in that order.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Fixing things

This morning I dropped off my laptop at Fry's. I have the extended warranty, so hopefully they will fix it or I will return it and get a new one. yay. :/

Last night I went to go talk to Keller at a Starbucks by his house while he signed the pictures we need to send out for his fans. He had to sign 50, then we got to talking about poker. He thinks I play a little too tight, but is also encouraging me to move up in levels, so he can't think I am that bad. A funny story came out of this when I was mentioning bankroll issues. Keller mentioned that my wife had said I could play with the money I have on Ultimate Bet right now (roughly $5,000), and I said that yes, she did say that, but the first time I booked a $500 loss she would freak out.

With a completely straight face, he looked at me and said "Is $500 a lot of money?"

Maybe not to you, but to the rest of us, yes $500 is a chunk of change. Its not earth shatteringly horrible, but its bad enough to feel the pain when it flies out the window. I just found it amusing to hear that question, right after we had just gotten done talking about how poker can desensitize you to money.

That's about all I got for today. Have a good day everyone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, KELLER, some of us POOR folk get pissed off when our RENT payment or CAR insurance money is lost in gambling. :)

8:47 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

of course tpup. That was one of the three classic questions debated at any MTG tournament back in the day.

1. How much money would it take to get you to give a blowjob
2. How young a girl would you screw if you thought you could get away with it
3. Is AA or JT the superior starting hand long-run?

My answers
1. Less than you think. But it'd be in the five digits left of the decimal point.
2. Young enough that I won't post it in print
3. AA, no matter what people say

5:46 PM  

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